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AKA: Tumblr vs. Instagram


Many years ago I started a couple tumblr accounts, the first one was under a moniker to catalog my inspirations and share a few of my creations.  Then I created one to share my artwork and jewelry interwoven with some inspirational content.  I was fairly active for over a year, but eventually left in 2015 once it was acquired by Yahoo and lots of posts were being deleted.  The problem is there was a lot of unsourced content on tumblr.  The record of reblogging is there however and you can trace everything back to the first poster, which is very cool.


I moved onto Pinterest to begin cataloging my inspirations and saving them via boards, and to Instagram to share my own content and create my own thematic imagery archive as well as follow other inspiring accounts.  I’ve now added some of my own content to Pinterest as well.  For various reasons, including that facebook owns Instagram now and the destruction of the time-based algorithm, the push to pay for your followers to see your posts, and the sense I have of just further degradations of the platform the more I see facebook making sure you know that they are the ones that own Instagram (I’m not a facebook fan) …..I have felt compelled to seek another platform to share my own visual content.


lucid lush line art brianna lamar


In searching for a social media platform that is more art-based, I was unable to find anything that suited my needs.  Thus, I decided after 5 years to return to tumblr where I can post my work and share my thoughts and philosophy as well, and perhaps some inspirational images.  I appreciate that posts are archived and tracked based on time and you can scroll through the images in a pleasing visual format to take in a lot of content in a short amount of time and just see everything there together, much like in an Instagram feed.  

The difference here is I can control my display via my theme, create my own simple pages, and download an archive of my posts, something you cannot do on Instagram as far as I can tell.


If you have a tumblr account, you can easily reblog anyone’s posts and create your own collection of inspiration.  You can also have multiple blogs and set them to private or password protected.  If you haven’t tried tumblr, you may like to check it out.  I was happy to discover it was purchased last year by Automattic, the owners of WordPress.  Either way, to see my new Tumblr page visit: briannalamar.tumblr.com

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